Birka is located in Björkhagen. The first tenants moved in during the spring and summer of 2022. One point house and two slatted houses will accommodate 166 student apartments, of which 144 are 1 room & kitchen and 22 are 2 rooms & kitchen.
In Björkhagen there is a large range of services, good communications into the city and the opportunity for socializing with other students. Close to nature and the Nacka reserve for running and wonderful forest walks.
House Caretaker’s office Embla
Birka belongs to the House Caretaker’s office in our residential area Embla.
The address of the office is Hammarby allé 78 B, 120 79 Stockholm.
Facts about the area
Addresses: Simrishamnsvägen 15 and Understensvägen 10 + 20, 121 53 Johanneshov.
Metro: Björkhagen.
Birka was completed in 2022 and is our latest new construction project. Go to for apartment drawings and more details about Birka.
Estimated queueing time
General information
- There are no parking spaces for tenants to rent in the area.
- The letterboxes are placed on the entrance floor.
- All accommodations are rented unfurnished.
- Simrishamnsvägen 15 has ten floors, one of which is built on a slope.
- Understensvägen 10 + 20 has four floors.
- All homes have lists where you can set up your own shelving system. See pictures for examples.
Equipment in kitchens
All apartments have a fully equipped kitchen with fridge/freezer and stove with oven.
Yes, there is a elevator at Simrishamnsvägen 15 and Understensvägen 10 + 20.
On Simrishamnsvägen 15 there is a balcony or French balcony. Some apartments have access to a terrace.
On Understensvägen 10 + 20, there are attic corridors outside all apartments.
There are no external storage units. Storage options are available in each home.
Laundry room
At Simrishamnsvägen 15, the laundry room is on the entrance level.
At Understensvägen 10 + 20 there is a laundry room at the main entrance in each house.
Waste and source sorting
At Simrishamnsvägen 15, household waste is thrown in containers outside the property. A recycling room are located next to the main entrance.
At Understensvägen 10 + 20, household waste is thrown in containers outside the property. A recycling room are located at Understensvägen 20.
No smoking
There is a smoking ban in all apartments and common areas.
Adaption for disability
The apartments are adapted for disability to the extent that you can drive in with an indoor wheelchair and rotate it in the hall and wet room. In our other buildings there is no adaptations for disability.
Broadband fee and heating of home are included in the rent. Electricity is not included in the rent, which means you need to sign up for your own electricity subscription. All homes have individual hot water metering. This means that we are responsible for the water subscription and then charge you on your rental invoice for the water you consume in your home on a monthly basis.