Before you book
Here you will find all our areas and accommodations. For information on possible renovations and pipe refurbishments, see “Activities in the area” under each area.
When can I start booking accommodations?
If you start studying during the fall semester, you can only book housing with moving in date from August 1 or later. If you start studying during the spring semester, you can only book housing with moving in date from January 1 or later.
If the rental agreement starts between August 1 – December 31, you need to be able to present a certificate of registration of at least 15 credits or equivalent for the autumn semester. If you book an accommodation before your course has started and you can’t show a certificate of registration, you can present your letter of admissions, but only until September 15.
If the rental agreement starts between January 1 – July 31, you need to be able to present a certificate of registration of at least 15 credits or equivalent for the spring semester. If you book an accommodation before your course has started and you can’t show a certificate of registration, you can present your letter of admissions, but only until February 15.
If you want to move to another accommodation within SSSB, you need to read through and fulfill the conditions on My pages before you book.
You need a certificate to prove your studies
You need to have received your letter of admissions or be a registered student of at least half time as you will have to show this while signing a rental agreement. The Student Union membership can only be registered when the semester has started (summer courses are not counted). Your certificates can’t be older than one month.
You need to be an active doctoral student to be able to live with us. We do not approve pre-doctoral students or post-doctoral students.
Our different homes
Student room – When you rent a student room in a corridor, you have a room with your own toilet and shower but you share the kitchen and dining area with other students. If you rent a student room in a collective apartment or two-room apartment you also have a shared toilet and shower. Only one person can stay in our student rooms. Together, everyone helps out to keep the common areas in the corridor/apartment clean.
One-room student apartment – When you rent a one-room student apartment, you have a room of about 20-30 square meters with kitchenette or kitchen. You also have your own toilet and shower. In this type of accommodation, only one person may be written on the rental agreement, but it is permitted to have one person as a lodger.
Multi-room student apartment – When you rent a multi-room student apartment you have an apartment with two to four rooms and your own kitchenette or kitchen. Our student apartments are only rented to students with co-tenants or students with children. This means that you cannot rent a student apartment alone, but your co-tenant does not have to be a student.