Applying for exemption or priority
How do I apply?
1. Fill out the application form and attach all requested documents.
2. Send in your application through our contact form. Please combine all your documents into one pdf document.
3. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that we have received your application with information about at which meeting your case will be on. There is a maximum of 20 cases per meeting.
4. Decisions are sent by e-mail within five working days after a decision has been made.
Next meeting Last day to apply
February 12February 3
In order to apply for priority for student housing, appeal against termination decisions or established ruled, send a written application to the Housing Committee.
The Housing Committee consists of one chairman and three elected students, one person nominated by SSSB and a member elected by the SSCO. The Housing Committee meets about once a month.
Throughout your tenancy period with us, you as a tenant may be granted exemptions for a maximum of four semesters. An exemption is only granted for the semester to which the reasons for exemption apply, and for a maximum of 12 consecutive months.
Applications for an exemption from the study and Student Union membership requirements must be submitted to the Housing Committee as soon as possible. Applications submitted between this date and the final date of the tenancy review period will not be processed. In such cases, the tenant should submit an appeal after having received a termination notice.
Exemptions that has been granted cannot be withdrawn.
You can apply for an exemption or appeal a decision if you:
- Due to significant medical or social circumstances are unable to complete their studies in accordance with the study requirement.
- Due to other reasons the Housing Committee considers noteworthy are unable to complete their studies in accordance with the study requirement.
- Shall undergo mandatory basic military training.
- Shall be on parental leave at least two days per study week. This applies up to and including the year the child turns four years old.
- Are to receive care in a hospital or equivalent or undergo compulsory treatment under the Swedish Act on the Care of Abusers, the Swedish Compulsory Mental Care Act, the Swedish Care of Young Persons Act or the Swedish Communicable Diseases Act.
- Have been detained in custody but not convicted.
- Are to carry out an internship that is related to their studies (under the study requirement) but not included in their program.
It is your responsibility as a tenant to demonstrate, through relevant certificates, that you are entitled to an exemption from the study requirement. The reasons stated in the application must be well-documented and official certificates. The certificates must show that you have not passed the study requirement due to stated reasons.
Information on what certificates you need to attach can be found on the application form.
If you have special and strong reasons, priority in our housing queue can be granted. Preferably, it concerns medical and social reasons as well as functional impairment that is substantiated by a medical certificate or the like. Reasons such as being pregnant, overcrowded living situation, homeless, long distances to/from your school is not a reason to apply for priority. You have no guarantee that you will receive the kind of residence you wish if you are granted a priority.
Please note that if you are granted priority it can take several months before a suitable accommodation becomes vacant. If you decline a sent offer of accommodation, you have used up your priority and you will then have to book an accommodation as usual in our housing queue.
You can find the priority application form and information about what certificates you need to attach here.
If your contract has been terminated but you have strong, well-documented reasons for postponing your moving out date, you can apply to the Housing Committee. You can find the application form and information about what certificates you need to attach here.