Our House Caretakers will help you in your accommodation
For all our homes, there is at least one responsible House Caretaker based on one of our six different House Caretakers offices. The House Caretakers help you on weekdays with things related to your student housing. They handle your fault reports regarding repairs for both indoor and outdoor environments in your property. It is also the House Caretakers who do an inspection of your home before you move out.
Contact information for your House Caretaker can be found at My pages’ homepage. The information will be visible from the first day of your contract.
Fault reports
If you discover a fault that you can’t fix yourself, make a fault report on My pages.
On-call service after opening hours
If you need urgent help when our House Caretaker’s offices have closed, please contact our combined on-call service on phone 08–458 10 00 and press 1. You will then get transferred to our partner Skadeservice.
It is important that you provide accurate information when contacing them. If the emergency call was unjustified or if you are not at home when they arrive, you may be liable for payment for the call.